In all seriousness

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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Here we have tests and more tests in which we have to memorize literally everything. As a chemist that means p-chem, orgo and in-orgo and our specialty. I should have gone to grad school there. :/ From what I gather you're a chemist, no?

Yeah, but I'm branching into computational stuff right now and haven't actually touched a test tube in a long time.

ADK...I'll lather your horse!17:08, 15 May 2011

Had I known 10 years ago my chemistry degree would magically transform into a math degree I would have said to hell with it. If I may ask what are you getting in to? I did medicinal chem but hated being a drug company monkey.

Organometallic catalysis mostly, but some of this sort of stuff on the side.

ADK...I'll soak your glass orb!17:19, 15 May 2011

Are you/they trying to turn an MRI into a C-NMR? Hmm are you published? I did microfluids works so had to read up on all the org-metallic catalysis useful for medchem

It's only a little more complicated than that. Just search for "parahydrogen" and there are a few decent websites and papers explaining it but none of them mine, yet.