tadiama! Okari

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Dumpling
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YOu have not seen nodame? Ueno Juri is such a cute nodame.

I didn't really like the two Korean dramas we watched - they felt to my tastes, too popular and cultural and forced. a bit like my feeling about japanese historical drama (cant rememer its name).

Vic and I watch mostly cute romance/comedy genera (though the cop shows are really quite good, i am just not a cop show fan really). We watched "tumbling", which was great - but the subbers still have not done that last 2 shows, almost a year now. So that's really annoying cause it was fun. nothing this year was just "knock it out of the park" good - but given Japan's last year, that's not surprizing.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa14:06, 18 November 2011

She's so adorable! I love her! :3

Which two Korean dramas were they? Because there a lot of them lately that I"m like: "Grr..." because they're trying to stay too cutesy and...Just no. I prefer there older Korean dramas like Winter Sonata or SandGlass...The oldies. Those were good. But there are a couple where I find interesting.

But yeah, this year nothing too great came out from Japan. Which is rather disappointing. D:

Dumpling (talk)14:34, 18 November 2011