Pics of the day - Feb 20, 2011: Apples and Oranges - Account Creation and Blocks

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Pics of the day - Feb 20, 2011: Apples and Oranges - Account Creation and Blocks

timeline at CP
When looking at the logs of Conservapedia, one recognizes a striking dependence between the number of accounts created on a given day and the numbers of entries in the block log.
block vs. accounts
Indeed, one could say: an account created is an account blocked: there are ~35,100 accounts and ~34,500 entries in the block log (blocks/unblocks/reblocks).
On RationalWiki, fun blocks dominate the logs...
block vs. accounts
... such that a correlation is less obvious between the ~5,300 accounts and the ~24,000 (un)blocks.
On wikipedia, the number of new accounts dwarfs the number of blocks:
block vs. accounts
~13,500,000 account creations are registered since 2005, but only ~1,400,000 block events. Perhaps Conservapedia does something wrong?
larronsicut fur in nocte22:40, 20 February 2011

Wow, just wow! Once again, fantastic, illuminating graphs, Sir!

Ψ Gremlin講話08:04, 21 February 2011

Thanks - and it's nice to see that someone actually enjoys this stuff :-)

larronsicut fur in nocte12:19, 21 February 2011

I love your analyses larron. Do you do this kind of wiki-traffic analysis professionally, or is this just a little geeky skill you have? It's so professionally done, and your focus on useful stats is spot-on.

DogP (talk)17:20, 24 February 2011

Thank you: It would be fun it this were my line of work, but unfortunately, it isn't - so I'm following a more traditional actuarian path.

And as the number of page views for my pics are generally quite small, I don't see how this could be anything other but a hobby-horse.

larronsicut fur in nocte20:45, 27 February 2011