i swear im going to force him to stop if thats what it takes.

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i swear im going to force him to stop if thats what it takes.

Great. So you're going to unilaterally block me for no good reason after my rights were removed for no good reason. Just great

"Shut up, Brx."02:03, 10 April 2012

no, im going to block you so you can SHUT UP and and stop damning yourself. if somebody wants to take me to task for doing you a damn favor and saving yourself thats on them, but i actually dont have you enough to just shoot you in the street, yet.

il'Dictator Mikal02:04, 10 April 2012

You're like Ken. "No reason", ok "no good reason". What's next?

Peter tanquam ex ungue leonem02:05, 10 April 2012

What are you talking about?

"Shut up, Brx."02:06, 10 April 2012