"Writing on the Body; understanding whitman and his use of personal identity"

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"Writing on the Body; understanding whitman and his use of personal identity"

So - When I was in grad school I noticed that there were these "buzzwords" that seemed to be all the rage every year or two. When you were researching a particular topic, if it was 1982 the word "movement" would be in every title; in 84, it was Body. "the Body and East Asia", "Embodying the sound and fury" "Understanding the Body in Feminist philosophy". "Dialogics" and "dialectics" were the big thing in the early 90s. And it didn't matter who or what you were writing, if that was the "in" thing, you got it into your title somehow. I never really understood the whole "othering" part of literary criticism, Bahktin, Tracy, Pierce all deal with the theory of teh "other" in literary criticism and religious criticism - and i never understood it at all. I just think it was a way to get "hits', back before google.

Pink mowse.pngGodotAround, around, around, around, over, and under and through14:58, 30 November 2011

I don't know anything about lit crit, but "nano-" seems to have peaked as a tech buzzword in the last few years. The trendy thing in the social sciences currently seems to be to slap "cognitive," "neuro-", or "evolutionary" in front of everything (good timing for me). "Game theory and x" is also popular.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)16:36, 30 November 2011

And sometimes, it's fully appropriate. Cognitive linguistics is probably a perfectly valid term. But I can see some pseudo-scientific Art Historian who needs to "publish or parish" and decides to write "Cognitive approaches to the analysis of Art" or some such. It was that kind of "use a term just cause" that made me giggle. My own thesis had "Storytracking" as its buzz word - but in my defense, the author of the concept was on my committee.

Pink mowse.pngGodotAround, around, around, around, over, and under and through16:39, 30 November 2011

Yeah, I have come across some Bobo-esque things like that where they just randomly sprinkle in the names neurotransmitters and brain anatomy.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)16:55, 30 November 2011

I'm sure there's a webcomic tracking the use of terms throughout time and shows "nano" technology peaking and being slowly replaced by "pico" technology. I thought it was xkcd but can't find it, might be Piled Higher and Deeper, but to be frank that's a more difficult one to search.

Scarlet A.pngbomination17:04, 30 November 2011
Nebuchadnezzar (talk)17:07, 30 November 2011


Pink mowse.pngGodotAround, around, around, around, over, and under and through17:25, 30 November 2011

That it be, that it be.

Scarlet A.pngtheist21:42, 30 November 2011

"That it be" "that be it". How could I read one for the other? damn margaritas. I blame thee.

Pink mowse.pngGodotAround, around, around, around, over, and under and through21:46, 30 November 2011

There was one for psych I found a while back (not by the same guy) showing "Freudian" peak in the '60s and then nosedive afterward, but I can't seem to find it again.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)21:53, 30 November 2011

On the other hand, I did find this, which is awesome.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)21:55, 30 November 2011