Because I enjoy watching you squirm

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Speculation built on speculation built on speculation. I wonder what results they would get if they changed the instrument to something less "cool," like a tuba or accordion. It would probably be less amenable to Kanazawa-esque pronouncements.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)17:32, 11 May 2013

So, people old enough to do shit, but not old enough to realise shit is a bad idea, do more shit? Shocker.

Scarlet A.pngbomination12:46, 12 May 2013


Nebuchadnezzar (talk)15:53, 12 May 2013

That just seems to be what the article is saying. That the young, but not too young, do things. I just don't quite see how that comes back to sexual selection....

Scarlet A.pnggnostic12:23, 13 May 2013

Oh, I was referring to the title -- the idea that (art/science/civilization/whatever) is the product of dudes trying to get laid. It's sexual selection taken to ridiculous extremes. (You have to read further into the series to get to that part, I guess.)

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)15:48, 13 May 2013

It would make Freud proud, really.

Scarlet A.pngpostate17:18, 13 May 2013

It might be too far even for him -- they definitely out-Freud Freud in the same way that Pinker out-Chomskys Chomsky."

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)22:29, 13 May 2013