Theory of mind - on the computer. a bit funny (or not)

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Why? It's pretty great as long as your death is quick and painless. As Mark Twain (allegedly) said: "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." (I'm sure he never really said most of the things he said, though.)

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)23:44, 31 March 2012

No, I don't particular fear death either. Though I can think of numerous processes that move us from the one case of affairs to the other case of affairs that I am very much shit scared of.

Scarlet A.pngpostate23:52, 31 March 2012

It's an ego thing, not a fear thing. The fact that you will not exist, adn there's no you to even know existed. it's freaky.

Pink mowse.pngGodot What do cats dream about?19:47, 1 April 2012

But there'd be no you to give a fuck. :p

Scarlet A.pngtheist21:36, 1 April 2012

of course there wouldn't, and that's what annoying. Non existence is a bitch, man. I want to exist!

Fear isn't about what you will really experience, it's about how you feel in the now, about who you are, and where you will be, duh. ;-)

Pink mowse.pngGodot What do cats dream about?04:57, 3 April 2012