It's rare that reading the Chicken Coop makes me do anything but bang my head against my desk

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Nx
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Really? I like Torchwood. It's really compelling. Makes you wonder.

User:Brxbrx/sig23:37, 13 September 2011

Star Trek, Red Dwarf, Babylon 5. That's it, tried SGU and Dr. Who, stopped the former after 7 episodes, watched the three of the latter the library had. Radar Men from the Moon, Undersea Kingdom and Lost in Space were good for riffing, but that's all.

Тайговорить00:03, 14 September 2011

Try Firefly, even I liked it and I hate Western.

ʤɱ pirate00:15, 14 September 2011

Not liking Firefly will be listed in the DSM-5.

ADK...I'll anglicise your broom!00:23, 14 September 2011

If I had to answer, it's everything about the show: characters, cinematography, villains, style, way the people talk. Well, the intro was ok. But to be fair I only have seen two and half episodes. The pilot, the last episode of series 2 and the the first half hour of … whatever that third season was called. I have no problem with other people being fans, but I don't want to see it anymore...

ʤɱ pirate00:14, 14 September 2011

The first two seasons of Torchwood sucked, no question. The third, which was a 5-episode miniseries called Children of Earth, was actually very good. The fourth, Miracle Day, wasn't as good as the third, but wasn't horrible either.

Blue (is useful)03:57, 14 September 2011