I coulda posted the timeline

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:PeterL/LQT
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You're on your way to being a Real HistorianTM then!

If you're basing your (working) calendar around the time of a specific character, it does make sense that you would put more detail into that.

Peter Monomorium antarcticum08:03, 12 February 2012

True; that one character i base it on is very important though, enough i would have him come back twice (the first time being a major plot point in the 5th and final project) Had i picked one of the other calenders id be using dates either a thousand off, 120k off or changing every time a new clan took the kingship in the serianti.

il'Dictator Mikal (talk)08:14, 12 February 2012

You could do 'ages', like Tolkein did. Who is this guy anyway?

Peter Monomorium antarcticum08:29, 12 February 2012

i shall explain when im not sleepy!

il'Dictator Mikal (talk)08:34, 12 February 2012

I was going to read when I got up anywayzzzzz....

Peter Monomorium antarcticum08:35, 12 February 2012

Sounds like you have a lot. All I have is ideas... I wish thought interpreters existed. :(

F08:33, 12 February 2012

Write them into your story then

Peter Monomorium antarcticum08:36, 12 February 2012

You clearly haven't read my technology page.

Also, I just realized all the names I created are short. 'Seth', 'Keith', 'Kathryn', 'Sang', 'Lucien', 'Emma', 'Zhenya'... hmm....

F08:39, 12 February 2012

like i said, this is a very long worked on system.

[utting a part of the timeline up :P the first 3 pages (page one is a title page)

il'Dictator Mikal (talk)08:46, 12 February 2012