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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Tmtoulouse
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Undoubtedly it's a risk. I think we can all agree on that.

But we do have a sniff of a demand for it. So let's just compare what could happen.

We do it: 1) If the demand is there and it takes off, we have expanded the wiki, introduced it to a new audience and all is great. 2) If the demand is not there, we have wasted the effort and risk making a small, isolated community that is virtually non-existent.

We don't do it: 1) If the demand is there, it won't manifest itself. 2) If the demand is not there, it won't manifest itself.

I think it's clear we would have to take the risk to see any form result!

Scarlet A.pngtheist19:10, 14 January 2011

By "we", you of course mean "me". And I'm fine with wasting an afternoon on this if it doesn't take off.

-- Nx / talk19:18, 14 January 2011


But yes.

However, I realise I forgot to write the other caveat I was thinking of, which would be to assess the amount of effort required. After all, any project we you do would have to be based on a good effort-to-awesome ratio.

Scarlet A.pngtheist19:35, 14 January 2011