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Most people who claim to seek the truth really only want conformation of those things which they already believe -Alan Watt

If can't swallow this just go back to believing the predigested propaganda they feed you everyday.

And if you do know what's up, everybody around you will disown you, fight you and incarcerate you for speaking the truth. I just did time for thought crime. My family snitched me out to the government for what I'm about to tell you now. This is no joke. George Orwell's 1984 is now. But everyone is walking around like zombies stuck in a TV daze. If you truly desire to open Pandora's box- you have to be willing to jump out of a plane with no chute. To sacrifice comfort for truth. Because in these times ahead it will be crucial weather you are asleep or awake.

[edit] To summarize

Everything you believe in very passionately is a LIE. Religion, politics- every popularized group thought. If you didn't invent it, it's been created to control you. To divide you. The masonic motto is "divide and conquer." The word "illuminati" means illumined: bright. Smart. One that can see in the dark, like an owl; one that has knowledge that the profane (you) don't have. (See the back of the dollar bill.)

The people in charge of the world are evil, inbred, psychopathic, control freaks that instigate fake wars throughout centuries to profit, exterminate and keep the masses in a dumbed-down, confused state. In virtually every major "news" event, there exists a completely hidden agenda behind what was told to you. From JFK's tragic assignation to the (faked) moon landings to September 11th to Charles Manson to the Virginia Tech shootings to the Columbine massacre to the "education system" to the air you breathe, to the food you eat, to the vaccinations you receive, to the "founding fathers" to the "constitution" to global warming.

That last one is the big one. The government is using "global warming" to gradually remove your freedoms and eventually form a one world government. Originally they were going to use a fake alien threat which Reagan talked about and that the C.I.A. promotes through science fiction, military manufactured flying saucers and government conducted "alien" abductions. That's what "The War of the Worlds" was about. To test the public's reaction. They've opted instead for environmental guilt and worship of "mother earth." And it's working. We don't have much time left until people will be forced to live in habitat communities, be sterilized, micro-chipped and forced to pay a carbon tax and numerous other means of slavery, which will appear to be natural, given the set of circumstances presented to you.

"Terrorism." There are no "terrorists." Aside from the ones in the white house. Al quida was created by the U.S. government. These secret government forces are hard at work and have been at work for many, many years to dominate the entire planet and they are close to the completion of their plan. They needed 3 world wars to do it. If 9/11 wasn't an inside job it would be the first one in history that wasn't.

Research the Reichstag building that Hitler had burned so he could blame the communists. By the way, Prescsott Bush, GW's grandfather FUNDED Hitler. So if you think that America is a wonderful, peace spreading country helping the planet and spreading democracy you have been HAD.

Hard to take, I know. I cried when I discovered all of this. I had a nervous breakdown and wept, shaking on my aunts lap for hours. But think about it. How did Hitler get all those people to worship him "patriotically" and love the Nazi party/ flag. The SAME way you have that American flag proudly waving on your street right now. That's why they make your children stand up and swear allegiance to that flag repetitively in their early years every morning. "I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of America.

And to the….WHAT?! The REPUBLIC." Ever wonder what that is? It's a reference to Plato's Republic which you should go study today. It's who all the elite quote. It's what the new world order is based on. A beehive society with perfect order ruled by the "chosen" elite where people are eventually bred for certain jobs. Or else exterminated. Plato writes of how to get a population to feel a highly emotional stake in the land where they reside and get them to die to defend it as if it was their own when nothing could be farther from the truth. The elite bankers OWN us and always have. America was a little joke program devised temporarily to make us think we had rights so they could get them to be slow, calm and docile. The reason why there are "elections" is because the slaves used to have revolutions about every 4 years. Nobody notices that when they don't like the current bunch in office, they get mad, "vote" the next "different" bunch in and THE SAME AGENDA rolls forth. The death never stops. The blood continues to flow. The stealing of your money never ceases. And somehow the public thinks we are free and have choices about how the country is run.

And all the entertainment is there too keep us distracted so we won't notice. The other purpose of "entertainment" is to program us with ideas so that when they appear in reality you will think it's totally natural. Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic, THX 1133, the Final Cut, The Lawnmower man. Star Trek. Children of men, Soylent green, Robocop, Terminator, Universal Soldier. Now all the technology that comes along will seem like a natural evolution when it is placed there to control you. The CELL phone (trapped in a cell), the interNET (is it a good thing if you are trapped in a NET?) the world wide WEB (generally in a WEB there is a predator holding you captive)- It's all about collecting information. Monitoring you. These were written about by Znignew Brzezinski (Barack Obama's advisor) years ago, how the public would be given a technology to divide them up and make them less personal, communicative and less supportive of one another and gradually becoming completely engulfed in a digital age. The brain chip is the final destination. A population that is literally robotic. The movie 2001, written by high degree mason Arthur C. Clark was an allegory for the "great work"- The long rang masonic plan. 2001 was a very important year because that was always to be the jump-off point. The symbolic death of jaquin and boaz (twin towers) -man and woman, the death of human nature as it currently is.)

In the movie, the people killing computer named HAL is code for (if you go one after each letter in the alphabet: IBM) funded the company that branded the Jews for extinction for Hitler and the company that is currently funding Digital Angel which makes the microchips who will be sold to you and your children under the guise of anti terrorism, snob appeal, sexual gratification and in keeping up with the cutting edge. They will never tell you it's final purpose. The man who defeated HAL and became the god-fetus in space, symbolizes (in high esoteric religion) man not being allowed into the new age without being the new, perfected man with a brain chip controllable by RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) technology. THE PERFECTED MAN (what the masons refer to as the "great work,) a digital, hermaphroditic, self reproducing perfect slave with no thoughts or emotions and completely incapable of forming any type of revolution. Ever again. The elite utopia.

A self reproducing hermaphrodite with no emotions and no remains of what it ever meant to be a human. This is not a joke. This is the end of individuality as we know it.

The illuminati, secret government, did not start with Adam Vieshapht as some people are led to believe. It is an organization that goes back for centuries and centuries back to Egypt and even predates that . These ancient priest have been secretly controlling the world for as long as recorded history. For proof one only need to look at their symbolic language that surrounds you all day. Mocking us at every turn. The best way to hide something is in plain sight.. The pyramid is found on nearly every major company that runs your life. Take a look around. Delta. Citgo. Ace hardware, Adidas, Georgia Power, Jay Z's Roc-a-Fella (haha) "diamond", etc, etc, etc.. Satanic pentagrams everywhere: Macy's, Wallmart and on and on- just look around for a day. It's everywhere you go. No coincidence.

Secret Masonic codes are also hidden in plain sight with every word we speak, with every practice we have and ritualize. The salut (sol) derives from sun. The Son (sun) of god. It's a terrible thing to do, to crush peoples deeply engrained beliefs, especially the most important things they hold dear (mainly religion). But it is a joke. The "arc" is the arc the sun makes a-CROSS the sky. Look at Jesus with rays extending from his head. "Walking on water" means the reflecting the Sun (son) reflects. It's all astrological allegory. Made in exoteric format for mind control. When a soldier stands at attention (aton) and covers his eye, that is the eye of RA, the Egyptian sun deity. It's all Egypt. NATO's logo is a hidden swasticka. Yes. (The sun symbol) The same people, are in control. Google their logo. NATO is an anagram for ATON. More satanic, Kaballistic, Masonic, Egyptian codes for ownership. Henry Kissinger said "soldiers are just stupid, useless pawns to be sacrificed."

The high degree masons who designed our languages have many little jokes in virtually every word we speak. The beehive society that Plato envisioned is encoded in our vernacular. They consider themselves magicians. So the first time the put the SPELL on you is with the "spell"ing BEE. Beginning the worker BEE mentality. If you control the information, the words people use, you can form their lifestyles and entire mentalities. Never knowing they are just slaves. Information: IN-FORM (ATON). That is getting everyone IN the same FORM. They like to take the little worker bees in a black and yellow school buzz. Bees buzz. To go get indoctrinated. It's not "learning." It's conditioning. The word behave comes from beehive. And make sure you drink plenty of BEE-r. Breathe the chemtrails, take the innoculations and the fluoride in the water which lowers you I.Q. Then when you are finally ready to go out and be a good little worker bee with a bzzzness they make you dress in drag (high degree priests are homosexual, they also consider themselves serpents: DRAG-on) The same uniform a "judge" or a "pastor" wears. A woman's dress. Then you must wear the square on your head. The Masonic square (another brick in the wall) symbolizing the "perfected" blocking of your brain. You are now officially dumb enough to go serve the system. The "tassle" hanging from that blockhead is a limp penis because you are not hard, erect or strong: just another profane slave, too ignorant to know you've been being trained for slavery. If it doesn't feel like slavery to you, consider this: How many hours do spend chasing green paper in order to keep your domicile in tact? In tribal communities, the average person hunts, gathers and builds for about 4 hours a day. They spend the rest of the time dancing and making love.

Another one: Democracy: DE-MOCK RA-SEE DE: of MOCK: To disrespect, make fun of, RA: the all seeing eye of RA, of Lucifer, Egyptian sun god (back of the 1 dollar bill) It's hard, I know. But it was all a goddamn joke. No "rights." No Constitution (CON: to be lied to, TION: ATON, ZION: the con of aton and zion. Even the word "government means MIND CONTROL. GOVERN: control. MENT: mind (mental)

I shouldn't even mention all the 666's in many corporate logos or astrological codes in most of the things you buy. (Nissan, Mazda: first months of the year) That VW car? Haha. Hebrew for 666. That's why they gave Georgie Bush the middle: W: 666 Hillary RA dam Clinton. Or maybe I'm making all this up. Drawing to many connections, making too many synchronicities from things that don't have any relation. Obsessed with "conspiracy theory." The elite popularized that word so that you immediately have a negative reaction to the truth . The movie called "Conspiracy Theory" with Mel Gibson delivers much of the agenda in the first five minutes, from the microchip to the Vatican to the new world order, announced by Bush senior on September 11, 1991 (they love their little dates) then they spend the rest of the movie making the character look like an idiot. That is what you will be when/if you begin telling people this information. Think I'm being outrageous? Unpatriotic? Drawing too many connections? Go to CUTTINGTHROUGHTHEMATRIX.COM and get about hours of the free audio downloads FREE transcripts and then tell me I'm crazy. And if you really want to get deep: order Alan Watt's books: Cuttingthroughthematrix Vol. 1, Vol 2 and Vol 3. You will never be the same. You will never watch TV again (tell levi (evil/ live) zion) History is a different thing than they taught us it was. Incredibly different. You could have the opportunity if you have the guts to have the "all seeing eye." It's not a pleasant process. But you will become a true individual with your own thoughts and obtain the most honest perception of the world anyone has ever had. As devastating as it is- It's liberating.

The word symbol derives from cymbal because it was the first symbol for the simple, a round shiny bronze circle representing the sun. Round and shiny and golden. It was rang so the herd would know to come and attend church and practice the first form of mind control: "religion." The cymbal for the simple was later fashioned into a bell and looking at it from the bottom resembles an eye. Picture the Target logo. It is the eye (bell) ball. The eye of Ra. The Egyptian sun deity. The eye of Lucifer, of Horace, once again. It is also the symbol for the eye of the illumined because they can see what you can't and they are watching over you and everything you do (back of the 1 dollar bill, atop the EGYPTIAN pyramid).

Still got doubts? Rea Carroll Quigley (Bill Clintons mentor who admits in "The Anglo American Establishment that secret societies have been controlling for w long time), Zibigniew Brzezinski, Charles Galtin Darwin (who proclaims in his book "The Next Million Years" The horrific plan for mankind.

Currency bank bankers- walk on water, stomp on it. It's worth nothing. If you acknowledge that this worthless paper is worth something then you are being a slave. They used to use seashells. Gold is just heavy metal. Pearls are just shiny. THEY MEAN NOTHING OF VALUE."