User:Bob M/Please define your God

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When talking about the existence or non-existence of deities it is sometimes necessary to define the deity in question, as a particular theist or deist may respond with "Ah but my God isn't like that." This page is designed to be a handy reference point to enable people to define their personal God or Gods.

Alternatively, it may be used to generate mix-n-match Gods for those who are looking for a new one.


  • a. There is only one God.
  • b. There is one God but He takes many forms.
  • c. There is sort of one God but He is split into sub-personalities.
  • d. I don't know, but I think there is only one.


  • a. My God has a long beard and looks quite elderly.
  • b. My God takes the form of an animal.
  • c. My God shines so brightly it is impossible to look at.
  • d. My God has no real shape or form, or it is irrelevant.

My God's sex[edit]

  • a. My God is male.
  • b. My God is female.
  • c. My God is family led by a male.
  • d. My God is a family led by a female.
  • d. My God is sexually neuter.
  • e. Sex is irrelevant to my God.

My sex and God[edit]

  • a. My God takes a profound interest in my sex life and my sexual orientation.
  • b. My God leaves this up to me.
  • c. My God isn't really here.


  • a. My God smites people he doesn't like and is prone to frequent fits of jealous rage.
  • b. My God loves everybody and is only subject to occasional fits of jealous rage.
  • c. My God loves everybody but punishes those he doesn't like eternally in hell.
  • d. My god loves everybody and only punishes those who are really bad eternally in hell.
  • d. My God is indifferent to this stuff.

Interventions and prayer[edit]

  • a. My God regularly and predictably intervenes in human affairs, especially if I pray to him.
  • b. My God sporadically and unpredictably interferes in human affairs, so I pray to him hoping to catch him at a good moment.
  • c. My God never interferes in human affairs but I pray to him anyway because he likes that.
  • d. My God left the universe alone many years ago so prayer serves no purpose.

Other interventions, and the problem of evil[edit]

  • a. My God ensures that bad things don't happen to good people, so if bad things happen to people they must be evil in some way.
  • B. My God does allow bad things to happen to good people but this is to test their faith.
  • c. My God randomly allows bad things to happen to good people unless they pray to him.
  • d. My God allows bad things to happen because preventing bad luck would remove free will.
  • e. My God really doesn't care that much.

Creation acts[edit]

  • a. My God created the world, the universe and everything on October 23, 4004 BCE at 9 in the morning.
  • b. My God created the world, the universe and everything some time in the last 10,000 years but I'm hazy on the exact date.
  • c. My God created the universe 13.7 billion years ago but then spent a lot of time fixing things so that humanity turned up.
  • d. My God created the universe 13.7 billion years ago but then remembered another appointment and hasn't been around since.

Evidence my God exists[edit]

  • a. I feel there is ample evidence for existence of my God but scientists refuse to acknowledge the truth of the bible.
  • b. I have the evidence of His love in my heart so external evidence is not required.
  • c. The principle of NOMA means that evidence is not necessary in this case.
  • d. No evidence can be presented for against the existence of my God so I chose to believe he exists.

My God and other religions[edit]

  • a. God has revealed to me that death or conversion are that only options for believers in other Gods. I am his agent in this matter and will kill his enemies/fly planes into buildings/carry out massacres as directed.(Delete those which do not apply.)
  • b. While I don't need to personally kill believers in other religions, I can rest easy in the belief that my God will torture them for eternity when they die.
  • c. My God is really the God of all religions and - although my belief is the one True Belief - believing in any of his manifestations will bring people to heaven.
  • d. The God I believe in is above all of this and doesn't really give a damn.

My God and evolution[edit]

  • a. My God had nothing to do with evolution because evolution is a scientific hoax.
  • b. My god created the world in such was way that it looks like evolution took place in order to test our faith.
  • c. My God went the really long way round and spent millions of years using evolution to create humanity.
  • d. My god doesn't really care.

None of this relates to my God because he/she/it is:[edit]

  • a Love.
  • b Gravity.
  • c The universe.
  • d Everywhere.
  • e Energy.
  • f Quantum.
  • g Satan.
  • h Darwin.