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There's a lot of things the Liberal Media won't bother mentioning. For example, did you know that Panama hats don't really come from Panama? (Unlike Senator John McCain) Well, if you get your news from the likes of Fox News, probably you didn't know that. Think back to your elementary school years: I bet that if you went to a public school, they never once talked about all the schools that Barack Obama didn't go to. Well, listen up, friends, and I will tell you something. Sure, Obama has a nice shiny degree from Harvard, but the list of his academic achievements pales in comparison to the list of schools he never graduated from. Where's the degree from Yale? Princeton? Guess what! He never graduated from any of those school! MIT? UCLA? University of Chicago? He not only never graduated from those schools, he never even got accepted there! No, he couldn't even get into the University of Phoenix.

Here's another thing. Why hasn't the Obama campaign released a copy of his marriage licence? Because if Michelle Obama isn't really married to Barack, then she is not eligible for the post of First Lady, which rightfully belongs to the Presidents daughter, Malia. Is there a liberal media conspiracy against Malia Obama? Consider the evidence: number of Google hits for “first lady michelle obama”: 3,090,000. Number of Google Hits for “first lady Malia Obama” :356,000. The evidence speaks for itself, I rest my case.

Item number 3: Remember that flubbed oath of inauguration? “solemnly swear to diligently... no wait, diligently swear to solemnly execute... how does that oath go again?” Well, Senator Obama and Chief Justice Roberts couldn't quite remember how the words went... so they redid the oath – in private with no cameras or witnesses. So how do we know that he took the oath on a Bible like the Constitution requires, and not on a copy of the Analects of Confucius. Think about this for a moment. What country did Obama grow up it? Here's a hint: it's not the U.S.A. It's Asia. And guess who else grew up in Asia? Confucius.