User:DiamondDisc1/Editcount Booster

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Make lots of random edits here. Watch your editcount grow! This is excellent for when you're bored.

Joke Alert.svg RW's joke detector has detected jokes in the following. Warning:Humor levels may vary. Please don't say,"This is a joke, right?" or act like this is serious on the talk page.

How it works[edit]

Any edit, regardless of size, boosts your editcount. An example: this section. You can add 26 edits easily! Just type the alphabet, one letter at a time, and your editcount will be inflated without contributing anything to RW. Then you can say you are very active and feel superior to other users on the wiki who do less but quality edits!


Dgytduygigunjk Uolddjo Shliasg Cihilaihlqwdu

Random gibberish[edit]

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1qweRTYUIOPASDFGHIJKLZXCVBNM,.'"! Qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujm,G


Jsbihbivhdoiawgvoeajleiajpf JycsajshcgYscgksucgUkhcskuhskuhkucEahfkuafhufdskufehsukehauhfukeagkafgifa G Usaxasxdsa


Djdjsj D Gg

I'm still alive[edit]
