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The God Problem: How a Godless Cosmo Creates is a book written by esteemed author and scientist Howard Bloom. In this book, Bloom addresses how it is a possible for a universe to emerge without the involvement of a deity.

The Five Heresies[edit]

A common theme in this book is the introduction of five "heretical" idea that contradicted our understanding of the universe via classical logic. Howard Bloom states that one of the most important rules of science is to question your assumptions. In The God Problem, Bloom goes as far as to question the most fundamental assumption we hold in regards to the universe. The five "heresies" include the following:

A does not equal A Yes, you read that correctly. The idea that "A equals A" is one of the most important principles underlying Western [philosophy]. It is the basis for a myriad of mathematical subjects from Arithmetic to Calculus. Futhermore, the calculation of Newtonian Physics and Quamtum Mechanics are based on the idea that "A equals A". Even that Crazy Old Bat included this principle in her own philosophical ideas.

However, this common assumption has been questioned not only by Howard Bloom but a professor of Mathematics named Barry Mazur. Mazur states that "One can’t do mathematics for more than ten minutes without grappling, in some way or other, with the slippery notion of equality". Mazur goes on to say that every "thing" in presented in a different context. Each "A" is at the heart of different networks of relationships.

Terrance Parsons, a professor of philosophy, expands on this criticism. He wrote an entire book on the subject, Indeterminate Identity: Metaphysics and Semantics. In this book, he gaves an example of a ship giving a port sailing and while it is sailing, the old planks are replaced with new ones resulting in the ship being completedly rebuilt with new planks. The old planks are used to build another ship,. Now there are two ships but which one is the original? The empty ship being towed by the ship used by the crew is really the original one. It has all the original material the crew ship came with. However, the crew ship, although now replaced with new parts, is the ship that the sailors have always been sailing, sleeping and eating in. Which A (ships) equals A (original ship)?

This puzzle is known as the "ship of Theseus Dilemma". It is traced back to the first century historian, Petruach. According to Parsons, philosophers have pondered over questions of identity for centuries. So what did these great thinkers conclude? There is no answer! The reason? Because that's the way the world works. According to Parsons, because abstractions may be indispensable but they don’t accurately reflect reality

2)One plus one does not equal two. I know what you're thinking. "My 1st grade teacher lied to me?! That Bitch!".