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The Book of Eric is a rhetorical example often used in discussion to counter common Arguments from Authority, especially arguments from scriptural or biblical authority. Popularized by Eric Murphy of Talk Heathen whom often holds up the green hardcover book that contains the Mystic Wisdom of Eric.

The Premise[edit]

  1. The Book of Eric is a holy book that exists and makes similar claims to the Bible, except that Eric is God (or God is Eric), and that he created the universe, was born, performed miracles, died, and was resurrected.
  1. The book professes itself to be the word of God (Eric).
  1. The book professes itself to be true.
  1. The book professes that there were many witnesses to the events described within. Many, many witnesses. Like, at lease TWICE as many witnesses as your holy book claims...

The Point[edit]

The Book of Eric is an example of a crowbar argument, in that it can be used as a cudgel against people who attempt to build an argument simply by thumping the bible or it can be used as a lever to pry apart the many inherent fallacies in any argument that presupposes that the Bible is "true" (It was authored by the god it describes, that it accurately reflects the intentions of a god that exists, that it contains a historical account of human events).

As a cudgel:[edit]

  • By first parodying an opponents circular argument of biblical authority, then highlighting that (even MORE circular) Testimonials contained within, the example can disarm an opponent attempting to argue the truth of the bible from the content of the bible.

As a lever:[edit]

  • When compared to any cult belief, the example demonstrates how faith and assertion can not justify belief in any tradition.
  • Can help demonstrate the personal or cultural nature of religions. If one is raised with the Book of Eric, what arguments would convince them to reject it and accept the bible or qaran?