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What do you think would be the best approach? Leo Frank was convicted of murder, and every level of the United States legal system upheld his murder, but the Jewish community and activists say he was wrongfully convicted. In 1986 after 4 years of attempts to get him exonerated failed, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles gave him a posthumous pardon, but did not officially absolve him of the murder.

1. Governor John Slaton who commuted the death sentence of Leo Frank to life in prison was the part-owner of the law firm *Rosser*, Brandon, *Slaton* and Phillips. Luther Rosser was Leo Frank's lead trial and State appeals attorney. Basically Governor John Slaton commuted the death sentence of his own lawfirm's client, an obvious conflict of interest.

2. Leo Frank was posthumously pardoned, but he was not officially absolved of his guilt for murdering Mary Phagan. Leo Frank is still officially guilty.

3. Rabbi Steven Lebow and other leaders in the Jewish community have petitioned the Governor of Georgia, Nathan Deal, to exonerate Leo Frank of the murder, and were refused.

4. The claim that Leo Frank was wrongfully convicted is false, I can present evidence from the trial transcript showing that Leo Frank changed his murder alibi on the witness stand and placed himself in the men's toilet at the very time that the prosecution built the case that Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan there.

SissyMendelstein (talk) 19:33, 24 November 2015 (UTC)