User:Time Lord

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Hello fellow member for a quick summary of myself here are the things I like.

1) The movie Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze as Dalton and my second favourite actor Marshall Teague who plays a Gay ex con named Jimmy now enforcer for a predatory businessman who doesn’t follow road rules.

2) Videogames, especially Minecraft.

3) Donuts, Walkers donuts has all the varieties you could imagine.

4) Comedy, doom and gloom is no fun to me (I have standards though, nothing racist, sexist, homophobic or anything else for that matter and while it might seem like I don't tolerate any humour, I do since you can still be funny without hurting folks, an example, how does a non binary samurai kill their opponents? They/them,)

Things I hate:

1) Right wing people, especially Ben Shapiro.

2) Tfp student action, a bunch of Right Wing Preachy asshats who are as bad as they sound, just watch their youtube channel.

3) Bakers delights new lamington scones, It's like they took a lamington smeared it on top of a scone and stuck hard bits of raspberry bits in it.

Anyway that's enough from me tata and fair well (a quote from my hero the democracy manifest man, Australia's greatest living meme)