User talk:Pbfreespace3/Article Refutation 2

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Comments are welcome.

I'm partial to the Kurdish communists but overall this article looks like just speculation and "anti-ISIS is just as violent as ISIS" bullshit here. Withoutaname (talk) 21:56, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

There really is no evidence "the Kurds" want a separate state. Yes Kurds are allegedly the largest ethnic group with no state in the world (we don't really know much about ethnic groups in China, so I hesitate in supporting that blanket claim about the Kurds being the largest). There is enough religious, national, secular, and political divisions among Kurds, in all states they are dispersed among (Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Iran, and elsewhere), that it actually is very difficult to make the claim that there is some sort of consensus among them for some sort of "national liberation movement" that has been espoused elsewhere over the past 50-65 years (Vietnam, South Africa, etc etc etc).
As to Raqqa, the larger question is about the spread if Iranian influence. Yes, residence of Raqqa and other ISIS occupied terrirories must decide between (a) some sort of Sunni-Salafi or secular influence, versus (b) Iranian, Shi'ite, Alawite, or Shi'a/secular influence and domination. At this point, it appears there is just as much hatred & fear of shariah law administered by Iranian Imams as by ISIS jihadis. nobs#NeverHillary 00:19, 28 May 2016 (UTC)
Not to be labor the point, but Jamaat Ansar al-Islam recently published its history. This is a non-Arab, Kurdish, non-nationalist Sunni/Salafi group organized in 1970. This group merged with Zarqawi's group in 2002. Zarqawi and his group are recognized as the founding group of what became DAESH. Thus, this Kurdish group is laying claim to being the founding of the Islamic State. Zarqawi & his men were only a handful in 2002, but Jamaat Ansar al-Islam was well establish in Northern Iraq and had been fighting Saddam for years. They are not a Kurdish nationalist group. They undemocratic, fundamentalist, etc etc. So this particular Kurdish group (a) does not boast about women's rights, or (b) is not in bed with Americans. Hence, it's hard to say, "Kurds want an independent state" since it is Kurds who are making the claim to being founders of the renewed Caliphate.
Bottomline, there's enough socio-religio-political diversity among Kurds that its hard to make any generalization about the group. nobsBernie bimbos r trailer trash 23:52, 29 May 2016 (UTC)