Debate:What if Obama wins the election in the same way that Bush "won" in 2000?

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Lets say that Obama wins ~50.00001% of Florida or Ohio or any other swing state, and some form of corruption smiler to the 2000 election results in Obama "winning". Would Obama accept this semi-false victory?--Bobby 21:29, 13 July 2008 (EDT)

Would he? Well, you can only really answer that for sure by getting the man himself to say. If you're asking, 'should he', then no, he shouldn't. The 2000 election was, at the very least, quite dubious and unclear, and showed that America's version of democracy can, in certain circumstances, be quite undemocratic. If a similar situation happens this time around, Obama should bend over backwards to make sure that, if he wins, he wins legitimately and cleanly. 21:40, 13 July 2008 (EDT)
I also don't like the format of the qustion but ... Well .... It would rather depend on the nature of the dispute, wouldn't it? Nothing identical is going to happen - or at least it's highly unlikely. But the possibility exists that one could win the popular vote and the other could win the election. If Obama loses the popular vote but wins the election what should he do? Would that be a "semi-false" victory? Would it be somehow more "semi-false" if one of the states he won were carried by a wafer-thin or disputed majority?--Bobbing up 06:49, 14 July 2008 (EDT)
In the US electoral system, as with the British one and many others around the world, winning the 'popular' vote isn't the issue. As such, if he wins, he wins. Silver Sloth 06:53, 14 July 2008 (EDT)
As it happens I agree. I as just trying to respond to the question. :-) --Bobbing up 06:56, 14 July 2008 (EDT)