Essay:The problems of rationalwiki

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by FAMAS.
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Feel free to make comments on the talk page, which will probably be far more interesting, and might reflect a broader range of RationalWiki editors' thoughts.

This user asserts the fact that primarily, not all admins on rationalwiki are on the same footing of mindset regarding the rules and places to act. this user came upon the conclusion upon noticing the immediate placing, removal and subsequent return of placing of vandal binning upon this user's account for the "crime" of inviting people towards creating a centralized discussion space for rationalwiki users and nonregistered outsiders in a chatroom or forum, the lack of both being another problem in itself in the view of this user. for details, this user's contrib logs in userspace and the vandal bin record speaks of it.FAMAS (talk) 13:46, 21 September 2016 (UTC)