Essay talk:George W. Bush: An outsider's view

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I blame the corporate media, for being lazy and cowardly. Investigative reporting into anything not involving celebrities' sex lives just isn't profitable enough to get them to stop uncritically echoing press releases, and since the Advent Of Blessed Saint Ronnie, they've been so paralyzed with the fear of being called "Liberal Biased" (Translation: "EVIL TRAITORS!@!!!@11one!") that they won't call the Republicans on even the most inane bullshit.

And that was before 9/11 gave us a nationwide concussion. 2004 was a BAD year for us Liberal Intellectual Elitists who looked around and wondered if everyone but us had genuinely gone insane. Then we dragged ourselves to 2006 (except for the ones who didn't make it, like Hunter S. Thompson), and a small spark of sanity appeared in American politics once more. Too bad we had to lose a city for people to start snapping out of it.

Just for a few bitter laughs, here's the REAL text of Bush's farewell speech. --Gulik 20:25, 23 January 2009 (EST)

We all know that Bush is an idiot. Especially us british who had to put up with his pet dog. Bazer63 (talk)