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Creationism as scientific concept[edit]

From my point of view, Creationism is scientific concept.

It satisfies the set of axioms in my definition of the Scientific knowledge, see [1].

The main statement of creationism can be formulated in such a way:

The spontaneous creation of life (in particular, at the Earth) has very low probability. The life was created by God, and such a creation cannot be reproduced in a human laboratory.

The main discussion, as I understand, is about the refutability [2].

The concept above is refutable. For the refutation, it is sufficient to perform and to describe the reproducible experiment on the creation of living objects from the non-organic materials.

Even after the refutation, the creationism will remain scientific concept, in the similar way, as the principle of conservation of number of atoms of each kind in the isolated system remains a scientific concept, a good approximation, even after the discovery of radioactivity, experiments with high–energy particles and realization of the nuclear chain reaction.

Contrary to creationism, the concept of possibility of creation of life in laboratory is not scientific, as it is not refutable: there is no way to reject such a concept. It is religious concept; it was one of postulates of the materialistic marxist-lenin philosophy, that was compulsory religion in the USSR.

  1. http://tori.ils.uec.ac.jp/TORI/index.php/Place_of_science_in_the_human_knowledge , D.Kouznetsov. Place of science and physics in the human knowledge. Physics-Uspekhi, v.181, Trubune, p.1-9 (2010-2011)
  2. http://tori.ils.uec.ac.jp/TORI/index.php/Refutability