Talk:Generation Identity

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A possible basis for a separate article on ”identitarianism”(?)[edit]

I’ve already raised the question of the need for a separate article on “identitarianism” on Talk:White nationalism. The problem with rolling everything into a white nationalism article is that this is a very US way of conceptualising and framing these various ideological strains. Simply framing this as white/other dichotomy doesn’t necessarily work elsewhere, particularly in Europe where out and out xenophobia (along with legitimate concerns, such as social dumpingWikipedia) frequently targets other “whites”, just witness the Brexit campaign or earlier brouhahas in other countries (e.g. the French fear mongering about the Polish PlumberWikipedia).

Rather than trying to make a stub, I’ve changed the redirect for Identitarian to this article, as Generation Identity is basically what defines this ideological strain in Europe and also links to the US variant via the link to Identity Evropa. An article on “identitarianism” might thus be split into at least two parts: A US section that might simply redirect to white nationalism and a European one that contains the issues discussed here in Generation Identity, as well as for other countries/regions that may have their own versions/variants of such ideologies. ScepticWombat (talk) 03:27, 30 September 2019 (UTC)

@ScepticWombat Agreed, I commented on it on Talk:White nationalism. A weird feature of the European version is the tendency often to identify as a member of some Iron Age group (Celt, Germanic, Roman, etc.) or to have xenophobic west vs east or north vs south views of Europeans. CogitoNotStirred (via telepathy) (talk) 05:07, 30 September 2019 (UTC)
@CogitoNotStirred That categorisation is no weirder and neither more nor less historically and culturally contingent or arbitrary than, say, the US white/other dichotomy. Just see what the Hutu/Tutsi distinction led to within Rwanda. What does matter is not to attempt to force fit every social/cultural/political phenomenon into what is essentially a specific US framework, as is clearly the case with the conflation of white nationalism with a series of somewhat related, yet nevertheless quite distinct ideologies within fairly varied spectrum that we might call ethnocentric chauvinism (I hedge a bit here to allow for those strains, like several of the identitarians whose views parallels racialism, but which tend to emphasise culture, rather than race). While identitarians will often claim that they don’t consider their own culture superior per se, I don’t think that these claims can be taken at face value (it’s no coincidence that they exhibit more than a whiff of the kind of arguments that were used in the US under the headline “separate but equal”). ScepticWombat (talk) 19:40, 30 September 2019 (UTC)
Yes "weird" isn't the right word, perhaps "particular" or "distinct" is better. CogitoNotStirred (via telepathy) (talk) 19:47, 30 September 2019 (UTC)