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RationalWiki 2024 Fundraiser: Stretch Goal Edition

There is no RationalWiki without you. We are a small non-profit with no staff—we are hundreds of volunteers who document pseudoscience and crankery around the world every day. We will never allow ads because we must remain independent. We cannot rely on big donors with corresponding big agendas. We are not the largest website around, but we believe we play an important role in defending truth and objectivity.

Our new goal is $7874—one dollar for every article RationalWiki has. This would be enough to pay for this year and the next.

Fighting pseudoscience isn't free.
We are 100% user-supported! Help and donate $5, $10, $20 or whatever you can today with PayPal Logo.png!

[edit] [purge] Documentation

This template has a sandbox (edit) for editors to experiment.


Template to populate MediaWiki:Sitenotice.

Three parameters:

  1. Name: What fundraiser this is for; defaults to "RationalWiki [next year] Fundraiser." Also sets a unique div id, so that (1) people can hide the div (user CSS or browser extensions) and (2) each new div will not be adblocked.
  2. Total: Total to be raised; defaults to 5000.
  3. Amount: Amount currently raised; defaults to 2500.

See also