
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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Mucho Hugs to thee! But I have that voice a lot. Example: Ooh. Red Light. I really want to see what happens if I just keep going instead of the brake. Would it hurt? Maybe. But how bad? LET'S TRY!...Wait. No. If I do that maybe someone else would get hurt. And what if I stay alive and just end up crippled. Shit...then I'd really end up wanting to die. -siiigh- Nevermind then.

Dumpling (talk)04:34, 25 November 2011

That's the interesting thing, if you could do something bad to yourself without affecting others then that would be a completely different decision to make, wouldn't it? So the idea that it's fine to blow yourself apart on drugs because it's "just you" is on shaky ground because how do you know that you're just going to affect yourself? We interact, we have contacts, we all exert influence on someone else whether we like it or not. Now, I wouldn't go as far as to say not topping yourself is part of the implicit social contract, but... well I suppose I am trying to imply that.

Scarlet A.pngtheist13:47, 25 November 2011

Exactly. I have many dear family members and friends that would probably resurrect me then kill me a good couple of times from probably committing suicide in the first place. And mostly, I'm too curious of a person to commit suicide. Like...WHAT IF SOMEONE COMES TO MY DOOR WITH A BASKET OF PAINTBRUSHES!? I'm going to miss that! Or that random college student running around campus in a banana suit. I'm going to miss that too. DARN! I'm too easily entertained by the small things that killing myself doesn't seem quite worth it.

Dumpling (talk)19:58, 26 November 2011