WE can "almost" read minds!!! who knew!

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Did you ever see the scene in Salt where they have an fMRI of someone's brain to see if they're lying or not? The complete lack of an MRI scanner in that scene wasn't the only problem.

Scarlet A.pngnarchist01:11, 14 March 2012

The big thing on TV detective shows now is "micro expressions". There was one that i really liked, *except* for the entire premise that you could determine lairs by their "micro expressions".

anyhow had i read on "Defacto mind reading? It’s a complicated subject, way out of my league as a writer. But luckily, I happen to have in my hot little hands a review copy for a new book due out in April by noted science writer Chris Mooney called The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Don’t Believe in Science."

sighs. "it's a complicated subject, way out of my league", then WHY tackle it?

Pink mowse.pngGodotoi, putain, genial, merci01:33, 14 March 2012

Yeah, that's also become the latest in poker woo. Who needs peer-review anyway?

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)01:40, 14 March 2012

please officer put me in jail cause my right eye twiched or my lips curled up in a micro snarle when you said the word "teapot", a word known to be used in some british terrorist circles.

Pink mowse.pngGodotoi, putain, genial, merci01:58, 14 March 2012