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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Sterile
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I've sorta become bored with CMI (creationist meaninful information AND THAT CMI); I will say that's a bizarre conflation of Shannon information (oh, yes, that's what info entropies are) and enzyme activity. I don't get why you have to manipulate the activity; if lower activity means less information, then why bother taking logarithms? There's no justification for that. There are stat mech ways of using concentrations to get energy entropies, if I remember right, although certainly not the way he does it, but that has nothing to do with information entropies. He also does the usual selective ignoring of natural selection (sigh). What a mess.

steriletalk01:21, 20 October 2011

How is that comparable to the recipe of a banana pudding though?

Aceace01:24, 20 October 2011

Far less tasty.

steriletalk01:27, 20 October 2011

yesh but is it meaningful?

Aceace01:37, 20 October 2011

[Oh, crap, with the italics, too.] Banana pudding is meaningful to the bananas, but I find personally disgusting. So, yes, it has meaningful information. QED

steriletalk01:46, 20 October 2011

That is not what CMI says so you are wrong. QED.

Aceace01:52, 20 October 2011


steriletalk14:57, 20 October 2011