The Walk of Shame

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Tyrannis
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Last edit: 23:10, 16 April 2012

Given the upcoming vote on whether to cut the cities "communist" transit system, I doubt that would go over well. enjoy the comments

ТyTalk23:04, 16 April 2012

Oooh, I haven't done the WoS in many a year, come to think of it.

Scarlet A.pngpostate23:08, 16 April 2012

Walk of shame? I always considered it a "Swagger of TRIUMPH!"

AceModerator23:12, 16 April 2012

That's because your testicles are 3kg each and you can't help it.

Scarlet A.pngbomination23:17, 16 April 2012

No one should feel shame after a sexual conquest. Unless, like happened to me once, the only thing you remember is vodka and a vagina so distended you can fit your whole head inside. Then you wake in the morning and realise you are lying next to the woman who always waned you but you always kept a distance from and for good reason because now she looks like a beached walrus. Oh to be young.

AceModerator23:27, 16 April 2012