I can't think of a title

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This not particular SFW one - interesting one near the top about "adopt an atheist", but in general it's the sort of "sex positivity" that I like. It's not like telling people what not to do, or being judgmental, but it's very, well, sensible.

Scarlet A.pngsshole00:43, 2 January 2012

See, that's what it all **should** be. "do what feels good". I have my "feminst" rules

  • do not do something cause others are doing it.
  • do not do something if you feel pressured
  • start slow, if you like it go on. Tell your partner you've never done X, so you may or may not do it, but you'll explore (if you want). They should expect you to say "euuu" or "nope" and not get angry, in my mind.
  • if you can get paid, and you want to get paid, you should be ABLE to get paid.

I think our culture does push girls (and boys? Probably) into sex too early, and too MUCH for them to handle, so I'd really like better, more open and positive sex discussions. "look it's out there, but you have a life time to try it. start slow and get to know what you like". but that's just me.

Pink mowse.pngGodotEn live00:48, 2 January 2012