I can't think of a title

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Sounds about right. But the thing is, unless you practice it personally, what do you really have to go on apart from the stereotypical assumptions?

Of course it's slightly circular in the fact that if you hold such an opinion on it you won't be interested in reading around and beyond those assumptions.

Also - since I can't be fussed with starting a thread for it - new series of Sherlock has Irene Adler as a dominatrix. I am seriously considering taking up smoking from just 15 minutes of this episode so far.

Scarlet A.pngnarchist01:50, 2 January 2012

Well, there's the apparently not-so-obvious method of actually talking to people who do practice it.

Speaking of stereotypes...

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)03:23, 2 January 2012

Yes, but if I held such a negative and stereotypical idea, why would I want to talk to such heathens?

Scarlet A.pngsshole03:26, 2 January 2012

True, but I think you're looking for a different word than "heathens." :P

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)03:31, 2 January 2012

"Heathens", "rationalists", "us". Same difference.

Scarlet A.pngbomination03:37, 2 January 2012

"Vagrant Story: It's not quite clear why, but about half of the cast is walking around in BDSM gear. And spouting faux-Shakespearian dialogue."

This specifically never occurred to me, mostly because if you really want to stretch it you could say that about any Japanese RPG. Though IIRC Callo does spend a significant portion of the game tied up. Oh well.

Scarlet A.pngd hominem03:36, 2 January 2012