Cognition Based Medicine

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Against allopathy
Alternative medicine
Clinically unproven

Cognition Based Medicine (CBM) is the woo alternative to evidence based medicine. It is basically an anthroposophical construct which elevates patient perception above objective outcomes such as serum counts; its methodology closely follows the pseudoscientific method.

CBM criteria as set out in the Swizz Report are:[1][2][3]

  • before/after temporal relationship
  • correspondence of temporal patterns
  • correspondence of spatial patterns
  • morphological correspondence
  • dose-effect correspondence
  • process correspondence
  • dialogue correspondence
  • functional causal gestalt
  • functional therapeutic process

Unpacking this list, it amounts to: accept that correlation equals causation, assume that any rationale that sounds even minimally plausible is supporting evidence, never blind or double-blind, and maximise the potential for placebo responses.

Needless to say this is much more satisfactory than scientific investigations which show the outcomes to be consistent with the placebo effect. Under CBM, the placebo effect is a therapeutic effect and therefore a success. As long as the quack and the patient agree it worked, that is the end of the story.

See also[edit]


  1. Anthroposophic medicine: effectiveness, utility, costs, safety by Gunver Sophia Kienle et al. (2006) Schattauer, 350 pp. ISBN 3794524950.
  2. Homöopathie in der Krankenversorgung: Wirksamkeit, Nutzen, Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit ; ein HTA-Bericht zur Homöopathie im Rahmen des Programms Evaluation Komplementärmedizin der Schweiz by Gudrun Bornhöft (2006). VAS, 343 pp.
  3. Homeopathy in healthcare — Effectiveness, appropriateness, safety, costs: an HTA report on homeopathy as part of the Swiss Complementary Medicine Evaluation Programme by Gudrun Bornhöft and Peter F. Matthiessen (2011). Springer, 209 pp.