Conservapedia talk:5 Questions to Ask an Anti-Conservative

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Here are 5 key questions to ask any opponent of conservative values [1]:

  1. Which group is more likely to lie to you: one that believes in the Ten Commandments and tries to obey it, or one that rejects the Ten Commandments?
  2. Would you ever suggest a classroom prayer for a classmate having a sick parent, who you know would greatly appreciate it?
  3. If you support gun control, do you also advocate "alcohol control" to reduce harm to adults from alcohol?
  4. Is it possible that teaching conservative values to teenagers is beneficial for them, and you?
  5. Is it possible that conservative values helps reinforce and strengthen one's faith?

Answers below please[edit]

  • 1: rejecter (cos he's not a hypocrite); 2: No; 3 yes (booze kills - and yes I do drink); 4: No; 5: no; SusanG  ContribsTalk 22:53, 27 May 2008 (EDT)
  • Can we all play, then? :) 1: Poorly phrased. Those who reject orthodox morality usually do so because they think for themselves, which is a far greater thing to do. 2: Yes, if they would greatly appreciate it, but I'm not sure who is being asked to pray here. 3: No. 4: Absolutely not. No. Never. 5) See answer 4. <font=""; face="Comic Sans MS">Jellyfish!Diane, I'm at RationalWiki again... 22:58, 27 May 2008 (EDT)
  • 1) No difference (though if he said he DOES obey them, I know who's lying). 2) Only if it is voluntary and doesn't interrupt regular classroom activities. 3) Undecided about gun control. 4) Hell, no. 5) Idem. NightFlareSpeak, mortal 23:11, 27 May 2008 (EDT)
  • 1) Most of the people who make a big deal of the Commandments actually reject them in practice. But a lot of the commandments are nonsense anyway, with only a couple of exceptions. 2) No. 3) We already have alcohol control in Canada, it works okay and the same rules should be extended to marijuana. 4) "Conservative values" is a null concept, it's better to teach a child common values and let them make decisions on their own based on their own inclinations. 5) Again, null concept. I know people of faith (decidedly not only Christian faith, or even religious) of all political stripes. Of course as we see illustrated, there's a wide gap between Conservative values and conservative ones. --Kels 23:20, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

Answers for Moderates[edit]

  • 1: accepter 2: yes, with the consent of the class 3: no 4: no 5: no Lyra § talk 23:06, 27 May 2008 (EDT)
  • 1. Irrelevant: people will lie to suit their own purposes, that crosses all religious, ideological, and other divides. There are bad religious people, and bad non-religious people. 2. Not in the classroom, at least not by an teacher. Kids can do what they want on their own time. Sympathies and condolences can be offered, which will be appreciated by an earnest person. 3. Sure, but keep in mind alcohol is controlled now, just ask any 20 year old who can by a .44 revolver but not a Miller Lite. Neither should be purchased the way one buys toilet paper. 4. Anything is possible. "Conservative values" is not a well defined thing in any case. Conservatives have no monopoly on honesty and integrity, whatever you may argue. 5. Sure, but is faith in an of itself such a great thing? To quote Bad Religion (that's a band, by the way) "faith alone won't sustain us anymore". DickTurpis 23:16, 27 May 2008 (EDT)

1. In the world of fundamentalism, truth does not mean "that which can be supported by evidence" but "that which defends my religion". 2. Yes, if that's what the class wants. 3. No. Gun control leads to fewer guns, alcohol control leads to more bathtub hooch. 4. Yes. teenagers naturally rebel against their elders, so teaching them conservative values gives them something to kick against. 5. No. Values derive from faith/reason, rather than vice versa. Totnesmartin 16:17, 28 February 2009 (EST)

Answers for non extremists[edit]

1: accepter 2: why not? 3: ? 4: yes 5: yes. Commence hating.SHahB 23:15, 27 May 2008 (EDT)


They tried banning Alcohol outright--all it did was make Al Capone rich and powerful. So we went with regulation instead, and that seems to mitigate the harm somewhat. (Also, given that Conservatives usually-but-not-always support "Crack Control", "Marijuana Control", and "Heroin Control", this argument goes right back at them.) --Gulik (talk) 23:34, 7 August 2009 (UTC)