RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/March 2010

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March 2010[edit]


So how does WND report a story on a group of far-right Christian zealots that want to over throw the US federal government? Put it about two-thirds the way down the page (high lighted in yellow) and then dig out a four month old story about how the real terrorist are those rag-heads.


WorldNetDaily has found that one in four Americans are policing themselves against Thoughtcrimes. WND's Freedom Index plummets with too many lulz to be listed.


Obama's devious plan to steal the next election.


Yes, because the Government reforming health care is exactly like it shooting and running down protesters.


Evidence dinosaurs lived with man and went on Noah's Ark during the great flood.


Brent is pitching tv show scripts again. Don't quit your day job Redbeard.


Glenn Beck urges Christians to leave churches that preach "social justice," which in his world is (at the same time) "communism" and "Nazism." Certain evangelicals aren't too pleased.


Hillary Clinton gets a surprise presidential endorsement from Glenn Beck.


So lets get this straight. Osiris was Cain, Seth was Abel and the Egyptian priest reversed the story to control people. Makes perfect sense. Now can you whole Atlantis and the English are Canaanite thing?


Creationist Bible FAQ says: Premillennialism is "more widely held than amillennialism." Sure, fellows; sure.


Brent Bozell, a man who once attacked ABC for firing a man who declared Islam is a terror organization has become a staunch defender of the religion of peace as a means to attack those dirty liberals.


Orly Taitz to run for public office in California


Killer Whales don't kill people, not reading the Bible causes Killer Whales to kill people. Update "I didn't mean that we should stone everyone to death, just kill the fucking whale!"


Obama's Science Czar's shocking communist connections, he was on the board of an international journal 40 years after it was founded by Soviet sympathizers. h/t to WND


America has been cursed by God for giving money to foreigners. His punishment? Obama's death panels.