
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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What do you mean before I get it?

Scarlet A.pngmoral14:45, 25 November 2011

Yep, definitely getting you some fruit. And cookies. Esp. given your most recent thought.

Тytalk14:47, 25 November 2011

Clarifying again, it's not a suicide note! It's just the scary thought that if I did become suicidal, I'd undoubtedly be very successful at it.

Scarlet A.pnggnostic14:51, 25 November 2011

No, you're Buy Nothing day one. And the scurvy.

Тytalk14:54, 25 November 2011

Ah, of course. I have just been paid today, ironic considering it's buy nothing day. And I of course didn't actually buy anything. Though once I can afford to drink again, I'll be fine.

Scarlet A.pngd hominem02:23, 26 November 2011

Uh huh...

Тytalk02:24, 26 November 2011

Yeah, my rapid weight loss is entirely due to the fact that I used to put in 2-3 stiff and proper drinking sessions in each week. Now it's about 1 per month. Though if I can get some more white sugar these egg-free cookies are probably going to be the death of me, it just doesn't work with whatever this brown stuff is.

Scarlet A.pngnarchist02:32, 26 November 2011


Тytalk02:38, 26 November 2011

Seriously, these cookies are awesome. But you really have to underdo them, but it's one idiot proof way of basically making caramel.

Scarlet A.pngmoral02:49, 26 November 2011

I'll have to try them, they do look good.

Тytalk02:54, 26 November 2011

They're something that needs experimentation to see what ratio of the sugars you prefer. Too much brown sends them more in the direction of a brandy snap, too much white leaves them pale and uninteresting but far softer and smoother. But what the hell do I know about cooking? I just make shit up as I go.

Scarlet A.pngtheist02:57, 26 November 2011

Dude, I make sausage meat-cream cheese-cayenne pepper pan fry. And crabmeat-egg-cayenne pepper pan fry. And Vietnamese short rib soup, for some damn reason. Unless it is grilling or pasta, it is all a grand experiment. I've not been sick yet. I should give recipe-space some more love.

Тytalk03:04, 26 November 2011

Cream cheese is far more versatile than people give it credit for!

Scarlet A.pnggnostic03:38, 26 November 2011

Lox and cream cheese, duck around a cream cheese filler with bits of Jalepeno and bacon, the aforementioned dish, cream cheese on crackers, salmon dip. Use like glue.

Тytalk03:42, 26 November 2011