What on Earth were you thinking?

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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I routinely sign wiki comments with them. Liquid threads is the problem, not my habit. ħumanUser talk:Human 01:46, 8 May 2011 (UTC)

ħumanUser talk:Human01:46, 8 May 2011

You're so right. Only the other day I found myself stuffing hay into my car's petrol tank because we always used to feed horses to pull carriages. You can imagine my embarrassment!

SuspectedReplicant retire me01:51, 8 May 2011

SR, liquid threads is a disaster. It does not integrate with MW software, it's in beta, so fuck off. Now, is Armondikov going to answer my simple question or are the trolls going to bury this in stupidity? ħumanUser talk:Human 01:55, 8 May 2011 (UTC)

ħumanUser talk:Human01:55, 8 May 2011

Ah - so it's LQT's fault that you can't learn how to use it. I hadn't realised stupidity could be transmitted through wiki software.

SuspectedReplicant retire me01:58, 8 May 2011

I agree with Huw. LT is like emulating a good apple product in windoze. It haz it's place, (and I do not think RW is that place), and werks like the people who do like it to werk. But over all it's clunky and annoying. C®ackeЯ C®ackeЯ C®ackeЯ C®ackeЯ C®ackeЯ C®ackeЯ (Just for good measure). (Oh, I also don't like that there is no edit summary...I do some of mine best werk there)

C®ackeЯ02:07, 8 May 2011

No, Apple products are for people with more money than sense, but RW is the reverse.

SuspectedReplicant retire me02:08, 8 May 2011