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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Blue
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The amount of self-righteousness here is stifling. Let's not pretend this was a "personal quarrel." Or that I have a "bitter grudge" with Ace. Ace was quite clearly being an asshole, even Trent spoke up about it.

Blue (is useful)16:56, 7 July 2012

If it was a community issue rather than a personal quarrel, it should have been brought up at Chicken Coop/ATiM for community input. If it wasn't, it shouldn't have been fixed with abuse filter changes.

There is a fair amount of greyish area between a community issue and a personal quarrel, but I'm content to let this tempest in a teapot die quickly.

Blue (is useful)18:34, 7 July 2012

No such luck, it seems.

You can't always get what you want.

Blue (is useful)01:51, 19 July 2012

Virtually everything that happens around here can be traced to a grudge - even when the actions are quite legitimate.

I don't know if that's unique to RW, or just the results of the "internet" mentality.

Green mowse.pngGodotQu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons23:15, 18 July 2012

Everywhere. Even extends offline.

Тytalk23:24, 18 July 2012