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Interesting source[edit] - David Gerard (talk) 13:08, 14 March 2014 (UTC)

Expression of Systemic Bias?[edit]

I can't pull up sources, but from what I think RT isn't just a simple mouthpiece, but an expression of the overall Russian method of thinking. While you don't run across such outright quackery on the ORT and he VTRK family of channels, second-line federal channels (e.g. REN-TV) are just as prone to conspiracy theory mass production. I think it's important to consider Pipes's five assumptions of conspirological thought (appearances deceive; conspiracies drive history; nothing is haphazard; the enemy always gains; power, fame, money, and sex account for all), which are deeply ingrained in the Russian psychology after centuries of backroom power dealing and paranoia regarding encroaching foreign powers.

(Why should I sign? My IP varies anyway,) — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs 11:42, 2 December 2014

Sign because it's polite when visiting someone else's patch to do as they politely ask you, also dating enables bots to archive stuff. Scream!! (talk) 12:00, 2 December 2014 (UTC)
I know I am replying to a post that’s 7 years old, but there is no such thing as “Russian method of thinking”. It’s like saying that radio and newspapers of Nazi Germany were “German method of thinking”. All the above mentioned channels are junk not because of “Russian thinking”, but because they were turned into low-quality propaganda sources for serving the needs of Putin’s authoritarian regime. They don’t care about facts, they are getting paid to lie, spread fake news, so Russians would believe that they are surrounded by external and internal enemies and Putin is their only hope, also make people in the West distrust their governments, lose faith in democracy, and provoke hostility between various layers of western society. There is decent Russian media (which is never government-owned) that does not spread conspiracy theories and checks the facts, the said truth is that all independent media is under big pressure in Russia. These media either face direct censorship, or are being taken over by Putin’s oligarchs and face internal censorship, or being shut down. Juras14 (talk) 21:55, 28 December 2020 (UTC)

RT has created a wikipedia clone 'russiapedia'[edit]

The articles are written by "RT correspondent's" and contain no citations/references. It would be nice to include this in the main RT article.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

Why Alex won't be appearing on RT any longer[edit]

I haven't the stomach to watch this man talk anymore, but it appears Alex won't be consulted on RT anymore (which he used to be, VERY fucking regularly). Apparently the following clip with Alex contains an explanation as to why he won't be on there anymore. RT also seems to have done some bad press on him recently; quite unlike them, who used to have him on as an "expert" (lmao). Anyone here have the guts to look into this, watch Alex' clip, and tell me why there's a scuffle? Reverend Black Percy (talk) 12:25, 13 August 2016 (UTC)

Benefits of foreign new outlets[edit]

I am glad there are foreign news outlets. Societies and cultures go through periods of blindness about different issues. So it's good to get an outside perspective. But I readily concede that Russia is an authoritarian regime that has done plenty of misdeeds.

There is also the dirty laundry aspect of the news and governments surpressing their misdeeds. When I read American news outlets, there typically isn't articles like Papers reveal what CIA did to captives in Afghanistan.

The CIA has a history of infiltrating and influencing the media. One example is Operation Mockingbird. FDTU (talk) 01:45, 8 December 2021 (UTC)

Besides, if it wasn't for, I wouldn't know that Germany is a failed state and that the Russians don't have a drinking problem.[1] LOL! FDTU (talk) 02:49, 8 December 2021 (UTC)