RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/November 2016

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November 2016[edit]

37With Brexit posing a serious problem for Welsh infrastructure funding, a UKIP member of the Welsh Assembly offfers a unique solution: Make the Irish pay for the M4 motorway with EU funding.
-41Washington Post disgracefully promotes a McCarthyite blacklist from a new, hidden, and very shady group.
-38Leave it to Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to write a nauseating paean to a brutal left-wing dictator.
57Proving once again a lack of decency, the Daily Mail blames the murder of Jo Cox on immigrants; the town council wanting to move house, and Cox herself for being a Remain supporter. His support for violent extremist groups is apparently also irrelevant to his character.
21Blatantly anti-Semitic blog defends anti-Semitic professor. In other news, water is wet.
50The future of our planet may lie in the hands of Bill O'Reilly, who is trying to convince President-elect Donald Trump to accept the Paris Climate Agreement.
17Alan Dershowitz Ludicrously Defends White Nationalist Stephen Bannon against anti-Semitism and racism charges.
9Donna Brazile, the current DNC chairwoman, attended an Islamophobic gathering in Florida hosted by noted wingnut David Horowitz; right-wing smear artist, James O'Keefe also attended.
2 An opinion piece from Washington Post proposes an idea where the author loses their mind: get rid of every state government in the United states.
36Jew proudly proclaims himself a member of the Alt-right. You would think the responses from the Alt-right to his article, which can be seen here, would give him cause to reconsider or pause for thought.
28Bill Maher reveals himself to be a reactionary asshole by stating that Trump will rid the US of "PC culture and Islam apologists".