RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/October 2016

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October 2016[edit]

40Alex Jones goes full raving anti-Semite. (This isn't new behaviour, but the media noting it is.)
53Scott Adams declares that a lack of terrorist attacks before the elections is a sign that ISIS want Clinton to be President.
29 Michele Bachmann says that Hillary Clinton wears "Mao suits" because she is a Economic Marxist.
15Channel 4 News promoted known war criminals in Syria, and is now hiding its own report.
98A British meninist campaigns for tampons to be taxed, arguing that "it's a woman's own fault if she lacks the self-control to hold the blood in her bladder outside the restroom". Naturally, he doesn't understand why he is being mocked over his apparent biology skills. Update: He really is that stupid.
22Ben & Jerry's endorses Black Lives Matter and the result is predictable.
22If you're driving down the road and you think of anything that's not related to driving it must be proof that you have a soul!
104A student group at the University of Cape Town proclaiming themselves Fallists, short for "Science must fall", argue to remove science from curriculum because science is "Eurocentric" and "based on racism". Evidently, some people believing witchcraft causes things to fall back to earth demonstrates the inherent Western bias of only teaching the concept of gravity in a science class.
15Tyron Zegold thinks the sun doesn't exist. (Warning: Poe's Law in action!)
55Rush Limbaugh complains that "the Left" treats nonconsensual sex as rape.
-3Jeffrey GoldbergWikipedia has been named as The Atlantic's editor-in-chief. (Why that is a bad thing.)
12Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Colin Kaepernick and other football player's refusal to stand for the pledge "dumb", "disrespectful", and "ridiculous". (Approx. the 20 min. mark) Update: Colin Kaepernick has responded.
18Vox Day has decided to fork Wikipedia: Infogalactic! (Guess Metapedia was too pantywaist for him.) Check the roadmap. "No, it's not. My designs always work. See: multibutton mice."
27Faux News breathlessly reports on a Bigfoot sighting.