Essay:Comcast sucks

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Comcast sucks because for many people, they are the only "option" for broadband internet.

They also suck because... (feel free to add reasons):

  • They took three days to send a tech to my apartment to set up cable. Then, the tech couldn't come because it was raining. This was in Houston, when it's always raining. This cycle repeated itself for about two weeks. When a tech finally came, they told us we were out of Comcast's region, so they couldn't hook us up anyways. Then they billed us for a month's worth of service. When I refused to pay, they sent it to collections. One angry phone conversation later, it was dropped, but still, a month of my time wasted. To be fair, this was only Comcast in Houston after it merged with ATT.-caius (tailor) 00:34, 20 November 2008 (EST)
  • To play devil's advocate, network abusers would say they suck for being a white-hat provider, sending nastygrams and/or suspending service when people do things like download movies illegally, hack into people's computers, and vandalize wikis (I personally consider it a good thing). Comcast sucks for not being Centurylink. DMorris2 (talk) 03:35, 2 July 2011 (UTC)

...and Charter sucks too[edit]

People who don't live in areas dominated by the Comcast monopoly might have the pleasure of getting reamed by Charter, a collaborating "competing" cable monopoly company.

  • Repeatedly (about once every 3 months), and without warning, my bill would mysteriously inflate to $50 higher than it should have been. In every case, calling Charter to get it corrected took about 90 minutes. Finally I figured out that the correct phone strategy was not to ask to talk to the billing people, but to threaten to cancel my service. As soon as I did that, I'd immediately get transferred to someone who had real power to negotiate the price and get my bill back to what it should have been in the first place; now I was spending "only" 45 minutes pissed off on the phone each time. After a couple years of playing this game I got tired of it and switched to DSL. Haven't looked back.--Bayes 01:01, 20 November 2008 (EST)