Essay:Low flow toilets

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Smiley - Driveby.gifSome drive-by editor spammed us with this, and though we decided not to delete it, we don't really care much for it. The talk page is probably a lot more interesting than the actual essay.

Liberals came up with the idea of mandating low flow toilets,[1][2] that use 1.6 gallons of water per flush.[3] The consequence is toilet plunger sales have increased,[4] and bathroom sanitation has declined. Fortunately after several years, engineering is catching up with the mandate, and low flow toilets that actually work are now reaching the market, though they are cost prohibitive to the lower classes. This may result in toilet price controls and laws against toilet profiteering. Conservatives have attempted to give consumers a greater choice in toilets, but ultimately realized that resistance was futile.[5]

In the United States, the amount of water saved by converting to a low volume toilets is estimated to be TBD(smaller than you might think) gallons, or the amount of rain that falls in a TBD(probably smaller than you think) square mile region every year. In comparison, a single golf course in Nevada uses TBD gallons of water every year, and Al Gore squandered about 4 billion gallons of water for a canoe trip/photo opportunity down the Connecticut River in 1999.[6]


  1. Kontorovich 1998, Morano 2002
  2. H.R. 776 was a 1350 page bill covering a wide variety of topics, according to Abelson 1992, and it has proven very difficult to figure out exactly who in the liberal swarm slipped in the low flow toilet provisions.
  3. Keating 1996
  4. USWNO 1999 "Plunger wielding frequent flushers across America have found an ally in Congressman Joe Knollenberg. The Michigan Republican has sponsored a bill (HR 623) to repeal a 1994 federal law requiring 'low-flow' toilets."
  5. Hearing on Toilet Bill is Flushed
  6. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 1999 Gore was in Vermont to announce an $819,000 earmark for the "Connecticut River Joint Commission". Note that Al Gore negotiated a very good deal for the river water: $0.21 per 1000 gallons, much less than the rate charged by municipalities for 1000 gallons of water. For example, the city of Minneapolis charges $2.62/100 cubic feet of Mississippi water, or $3.50 per 1000 gallons. Minneapolis Sample Utility Bill. To be fair, Minneapolis fluoridates Mississippi water before selling it, which probably accounts for some of the price difference.


| Surname = Abelson | Given = Philip H. | Year = 1992 | Date = 1992-07-10 | Title = Editorial: The H.R. 776 Energy Legislation | Publisher = Richard S. Nicholson | Journal = Science | Volume = 257 | Issue = 5067 | Place = Bethesda, MD | URL = }} Subscription required. Also, Facsimile retrieved on 2007-07-16

| Surname = Keating | Given = Kay | Year = 1996 | Title = 1.6 Gallon, Low-consumption Toilets | Publisher = | Place = Bethesda, MD | URL = }} Retrieved on 2007-07-16

| Surname = Kontorovich | Given = E.V. | Year = 1998 | Title = Potty Police | Publisher = City Journal | Place = New York, NY | URL = }} Retrieved on 2007-07-16

| Surname = Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | Given = The | Year = 1999 | Date = 1999-07-24 | Title = Gore's Canoe Gets a Lift From Opening of Dam | Publisher = The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. | Place = Milwaukee, WI }} Facsimile retrieved on 2007-07-16

| Surname = Morano | Given = Marc | Year = 2002 | Date = 2002-08-30 | Title = Introduction of the Flush Toilet Deplored at Earth Summit | Publisher = Cybercast News Service | URL = }} Retrieved on 2007-07-18

| Surname = Shroades | Given = Renee L. | Year = 2006 | Title = Water-Use Strategies That Work | Publisher = Maintenance Soluitons | Place = Bethesda, MD | URL =,%20water%20conservation,%20waterless,%20restrooms }} Retrieved on 2007-07-18

| Surname = USWNO | Given = Editor,U.S. Water News Online | Year = 1999 | Title = Bill introduced to repeal low-flow toilet requirement | Publisher = U.S. Water News Online | URL = }}

see also[edit]

| Surname = Morano | Given = Marc | Year = 2002 | Date = 2002-08-26 | Title = Environmentalist Laments Introduction of Electricity | Publisher = Cybercast News Service | URL = }} Retrieved on 2007-07-18