Essay:Lying for Jesus

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Lying for Jesus is one of the biggest problems when debating with a Christian. I've never come across a single Christian who hasn't done this to try to convert me. When I was younger, I was raised as a Christian, but I had faith issues. To combat this, my Pastor would say stuff like the bible being proved by history, Archaeology, and Science. I fell for this because of how young I was. As I got older, I decided to look up on the internet about my religion. This is when i realized how divided the Christian faith was. How do we baptize? Immersion or sprinkling? When is the sabbath? How do we interpret the bible, and the most disturbing argument: How do we achieve salvation? Christians can't agree on how to achieve salvation!

Every Christian will insist on their way to be saved with bible verses, but this is where the lying comes in: They take te verses that agree with them out of context. With ones that don't the either interpret them as symbolic or put it in context. Every denomination does this. This point right here proves that the bible has contradictions. When someone tries to resolve contradictions by putting it in context, I get amused because the exact same people take verses out of context.

Creationism does this ALL THE TIME! Take a look on EVERY creation site and I will e ha truth, and straw man forms of evolution. Their "evidences" are Pulled directy out of their asses with Quote Mining, and other BS.

When I ask for proof, they tell me to try to disprove the bible through history. They say I won't be the first person who tried to do that and turn Christian. I ask this: If this is true, then ALL ACADEMIC HISTORIANS WOULD BE CHRISTIAN! Christian Apologetic books like McDowell's "Evidence that requires a verdict" are not reliable for that very reason. They're not apologetic books. They're only designed to strenghthen someone's current faith.

Lies I have come across:

Archeological Evidence: Egyptian Archaeology convinced me to worship the Egyptian Gods. That's how silly this claim is.

Personal Experience: Everyone with religion says this.

I don't have a degree to study the bible: Good Job, you made it so almost no one can read it with this logic.

Your Argument is a Strawman: How so? don't say my argument is fallacious unless you tell me how it is. If you refrin from doing so, I'm going to assume you're lying.

That's circular reasoning: Look above

The quran says the Gospel is true: While I'm an atheist, I want to include this to show how for Christians will go to rule out other religions. I read quite a bit of the Quran. It never says that, at least the gospel in the Bible. They believe the gospel in the bible is corrupt.

The universe isn't eternal! That rules out pantheistic religions. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism are false positions: I got this from a site called This is bullshit what they said. Buddhism is an Atheistic Religion, Hinduism is Polytheistic, and Sikhism I don't know so maybe. But even then, Scientists have never said the universe isn't eternal (correct me if I'm wrong with sources)"Without absolute truth, you can only be Agnostic, where you don't know anything (spiritual or not), or Pluraist where all religions are correct... Absolute truth exists so agnosticism, skepticism, and postmodernism are false positions.": That's not what agnosticism is. Agnostics can believe in absolute truth. Agnosticism says it's impossible to know if there is a God or not untill you die. It says NOTHING about absolute truth. Skepticism RELIES on absolute truth. Skeptics, like me, believe in absolute truth, we just want evidence before we accept a claim. The reason Christians want to discrdit Skepticism is because they want you to believe everything they say, true or not.

"Buddhism says to rid all desires, but you need a desire to rid all desires. That's Contradictory": Buddhism never says that. Buddhism says to rid yourself of SELFISH desires. Achieving enlightenment, according to buddhism is not a selfish desire. read up on it before you criticise it.

Another issue is Christians trying to justify eternal torture in hell, saying things like "got appreciates free will, justice, etc. Justice isn't eternal torture for a finite offence, and NO ONE would choose eternal torture.

Atheists are rejecting God. That is why they refuse to accept all this evidence. Umm... I find this ironic, for this example: The shroud of Turin was posed as evidence for Jesus. howevr it was found to be made in Midieval times through Radiocardbon dating. Christians have challenged this by saying things like "A fire threw the dating off, bacteria on the shroud, they tested a patch that was added later, etc.". This has all been refuted. Now, picture Christians if the shroud was eventually dated at the date they wanted. I wouldn't picture them being so skeptical then. they would keep demanding the shroud to be tested over and over until they got the date they wanted. THEN they would accept the radiocarbon dating. All the "inaccurite dating" would suddenly be right. That would be a clear example of Christians denying evidence unless it fits what they want. They'r doing the very thing they're accusing us of doing.

I've grown to not trust Christian websites when they try to "prove" their relgion because of the constant lying. A site to check out called will show exactly how far Chrisians are going to lie.