Essay:Og or Ug?

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There is something that has always interested me. What is the difference between conservatives and the rest of us. What makes them hate everything from gays to women and blacks. After much questioning, I have a theory. Conservatives are insecure. The concept of a personal bubble is an old one, probably the first caveman, we'll call him Ug, built a fire. Then his neighbor, Og made a fire double the size of Ug's. Ug had a bubble where he was the big man on campus, had a huge fire, then Og comes around. Conservatives cling to tradition because they feel safe. Leaving that tradition is scary as hell to anyone. Ug didn't want to leave his personal bubble so he developed hatred for Og, maybe spreading a rumor saying he was inferior, or perhaps saying that a big skybird told him Og was bad. Ug then proceeded to implant it in the heads of all the rest of the cavemen, and that thought kept going through tradition until they evolved with the vast majority of the first humans hating Og's people for no good reason. But a few of Ug's clan dissented, and were labeled heretics and exiled, so many refused to reason out of fear of exile. Those unlucky enough to be born into Ug's clan were automatically hated from birth, simply because of a supposed mistake or evil on their part. Just like Ug, Conservatives feel inferior to those around them, so they create a bubble, throwing out all things that go against their doctrine, changing the laws of normalcy as more people come along they feel inferior too, reproducing just like Ug, until eventually everybody hates the ones the one the Conservatives hate, the dissenters are virtually wiped out, due to fear and intimidation from the Conservative leaders. Soon the dogma goes into physical law and there is no stopping the hate and paranoia created, all because Ug had a smaller fire than Og. Yet, there are still dissenters to the throne, those who advocate the Ogs who were called weird by one lone caveman. Those who come after cling to tradition out of feelings of inferiority towards the blacks, the gays, the women, and all of the other Ogs out there. The Ogs of this world have a natural voice but have been completely silenced by the Ugs. Even when an Og gets in a position of power, he must not speak against the very dogma that says he is wrong. Because the minute he does so, he is the ultimate Og. The ultimate outcast. The conservatives are insecure about the greatness of the Ogs, so they cling to their bubble, personified today as a bible. They hold onto this bubble because only by reminding the Ogs who's boss can they maintain their power. Because soon enough... soon enough the Ogs will coup, rise up and show everyone that their fire is twice the size of any Ug. But the question remains, will it be enough? Og versus Ug. Will the age-old bubble hold fast? Or will it be broken? And if it is broken.....Will it matter? Won't another Ug just come around and remind everyone that the Og is of the purest evil? Or even worse.....Will the Ogs simply become the new Ugs? Who knows? All that is certain is that the battle will come. The battle of Og and Ug will come. Next week, next year, next generation? but it will come. So you must ask yourself. When it comes....which will you be? Og or Ug?