Essay:Religion is Dumb

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I don't know why we tolerate religion. Religion killed millions of people throughout history. And it's just so incredibly stupid! I mean, really, these people might as well believe in the tooth fairy. Can you believe that idiots like these are running the world? The president of the US is a Christian. Yeah, Christianity, remember that one that worships a dead guy nailed to a cross, that probably never existed to begin with? Then you have the murderous rampages they went on to coerce people into becoming zombies like them. Although, everybody they killed was either a pagan or an Islamist, so maybe there isn't too much mourning to do.

And don't get me started on the Muslims (oops, too late)! They worship some scraggly pedophile that turned a bunch of primitives into a death machine that swept all across the world. These people will kill anyone for no reason at all. Are you a woman? That's grounds for murder in Islam. Don't believe in Islamism? That's grounds for murder in Islam. Don't want to get raped? Murder. Got raped? Murder. Won't grow a beard? Murder. I don't know if there are too many Muslamists with alopecia out there. And yet, we let these fanatics prowl the streets, raping anybody they can get away with. We let them slowly invade our countries, proliferating like rats feeding off the fruit of OUR civilization. Don't come crying to me if in ten years our all-Muslim parliament implements Sharia law. I told you so.

Religion should seriously be illegal. It's nonsense. There's no proof for any of it. It's not falsifiable. It doesn't follow methodological naturalism. Anything that disproves their stupid beliefs (and let's face it, that's everything) they ignore, because FAITH!!! And then they keep trying to mess with you for not being a part of their religion.

And I don't pretend that there are "moderates," either. Even the most "liberal" Muslim is a ticking time-bomb of radicalism. That's because once you accept the fairy tales of religion, what won't you accept? It's a gateway effect.

And it's not just Christians and Muslims that are the problem. They all are. Hello, deists, have you heard of such a thing as falsifiability? Never heard of a Sikh terrorist? Google it. And Shintoism? A glorified warrior cult.

Religion is a cancer on our society. Unfortunately. we can't get rid of it just yet. But in the meanwhile, we can keep shouting down those dolts. We can mock them at every passing. We can protest their events. Slowly, we can erode their "faith." Eventually, we will live in an idealistic society that is completely secular. Science will reign supreme, and we won't have to worry about fundies whining anymore. We will explore the stars and discover the secrets of the universe.