Essay:The Great Contradiction of You So-Called "Rationalists"
You do not have access to Top Secret government information or to Top Secret government facilities. Nor are you a member of any of Earth's secret societies. In addition, you were not born 5,000 years ago; you were born only within the last 100 years, so you were not able to see history unfold with your own eyes.
Yet, despite all of these undeniable facts, you claim that you already know what the truth is. That is, just like how you know for a fact that 1+1=2, you also claim that you know for a fact what the truth is. So, um, how the hell is that possible???
Well, via compartmentalization, you are able to acknowledge the fact that government secrets exist and that secret societies exist, while simultaneously claiming that you, somehow, already know for a fact what the truth is. Wow, talk about being irrational!
In reality, you simply base the truth upon what the media tells you and what Earth's authority figures tell you. And, you are foolish enough to equate reading about an event in a history book to actually seeing that event with your own eyes. You don't believe religious texts, yet you still believe government texts such as history books and government belief systems such as science. As a practitioner of selective reasoning, how dare you call yourself a "rationalist"?
You trust Earth's authority figures because they are powerful and you think they are trustworthy. Obviously, however, these authority figures would never willingly incriminate themselves to you. If they did incriminate themselves to you, then you would no longer consider them to be legitimate authority figures.