Essay:The Immorality of Creationism

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by Velenah.
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Introduction: Understanding the Basics[edit]

Science: Explaining Key Terms[edit]

In order to understand the complex ideas to be discussed, it is necessary to first define and understand the basic concepts behind these ideas. Science, broken down into its simplest form, is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts based on systematic observation and repeatable experimentation. The many and varied branches of science can be divided into two groups: the social sciences, those dealing with human behavior i.e. economics, psychology, anthropology etc. and the natural sciences, those that deal with the natural order and laws of the universe i.e. physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

What is evolution?[edit]

What evolution is not.[edit]

What is Creationism.[edit]



Science - a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts based on systematic observation and repeatable experimentation.