Essay:To The Democrats

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Essay.svg This essay is an original work by The electrocutioner.
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Look. Everybody knows this is a bad time to be a Democrat. Come next Thursday, we’re gonna lose some ground. We might lose big; we might see a lot of the candidates we’ve been fighting for go down in flames. But even if that happens—even if the Republicans take down every Democrat running and every initiative we support—every single one of the votes we cast matters. Win or lose, every single one of those votes sends a message to the Republicans that we will not make this easy on them just because this happens to be a Republican year and that we will not fold like a cheap card table just because a few things don’t go our way. We might not win, but we can make them sweat, and we can remind them and the millions of Democrats who feel like the whole country has turned against them that we do not live in a single party state.

When 2011 comes around, whoever wins—Republican or Democrat—won't just be representing the Tea Party. They will be representing us, and the votes we cast and the votes we earn in this election are among the best avenues we have to make our interests, feelings, and needs heard. Remember: Just because you didn’t shout the loudest doesn’t mean you've lost your voice.

So get out of the house, vote, and volunteer, while there's still time—because every vote and every hour really does count, no matter who wins.