Essay talk:What does it mean to say that the mind is a computer? And is it?

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Here's the part of a book on the brain by John Ratey. He seems a serious scientist and he doesn't agree with the computational theory. What do you think?

"Much of the language used in discussing the brain, particularly in the cognitive sciences, comes from computation, and it is inconsistent with what we know about the brain. The brain is nothing like the personal computers it has designed, for it does not process information and construct images by manipulating strings of digits such as ones and zeros. Instead, the brain is largely composed of maps, arrays of neurons that apparently represent entire objects of perception or cognition, or at least entire sensory or cognitive qualities of those objects, such as color, texture, credibility, or speed. Most cognitive functions involve the interaction of maps from many different part of the brain at once; it is the bane of cognitive scientists that bananas are not located in a single structure of the brain. The brain assembles perceptions by the simultaneous interaction of whole concepts, whole images. Rather than using the predicative logic of a microchip, the brain is an analog processor, meaning, essentially, that it works by analogy and metaphor. It relates whole concepts to one another and looks for similarities, differences, or relationships between them. It does not assemble thoughts and feelings from bits of data." Gianga23 (talk) 18:12, 3 June 2014 (UTC)

An Opposing Viewpoint[edit]

See an opposing viewpoint here: Essay:The Death Knell of Dualism?.
More Than Magnetic Ink (talk) 02:40, 17 October 2022 (UTC)