Forum:Does anyone else here just love Frosty Jack cider?

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It has the best alcohol units per pence than any other drink. Cheers! — Unsigned, by: Dirk Steele / talk / contribs

But of course in the true olympic spirit (whisky!) I never partake before 10 a.m. (on sound advice from my psychiatrist He has a cure for schizoids like me. I cannot wait for his published peer reviewed paper. (Funded by GlaxoSmithKline .. who else? Follow the money baby!) — Unsigned, by: Dirk Steele / talk / contribs

I'm pretty sure nobody reads this, but here we go.

Mobocracy is bullshit. Anarchy is bullshit. Get over it. You bitch about everyone talking too much, but you do jack shit. When you do do something, it's complaining about how the site needs to be more serious, and needs to attract serious donors, etc. but then you defend inane bullshit, do nothing and constantly hamstring every effort to do so.

You want a good skeptical site? Get rid of WIGO, and ban everyone with more than 20% edits to it and it's talk page. Ban the trolls. Ban the ED rejects, reddit slime pitters, and the people who use the site as a playground. Establish standards for sysop. Nuke CP space and funspace.

One edit filter. that's it. Boom, the userpage vandalism vanishes.

But no, the edit filter can't be intimidated so we can't have nice things. Wikipedia has one that filters personal attacks. Oh wait, these are popular people. If they left, the wiki would go on, but nope, he's my drinking buddy.

I've poured a lot of time and money into this site. I really like this site. I like quite a few of the people here. I think it has potential. But will we ever get there?

What a fuckin knobface eh? --Dirk Steele (talk) 13:05, 24 October 2012 (UTC)